International Railway Conference &Exhibition

18-20 June 2007

VVC Moskov


    This event, a combination of a conference and an exhibition,  took place on 18, 19 and 20 June 2007 in the VVC Centre in Moscow, Russian Federation. The goals of this three-day event are to present technologies, equipment and services to the Russian and international railway communities, to create an optimal platform for business communications between sellers and buyers, to attract investments for Russian railway infrastructure development, to discuss relevant legal and technical issues of international freight and passenger connection, to discuss opportunities of the traffic process optimization and operational compatibility. Concurrently with this event also the UIC Annual General Assembly will be held. Hence the top of the international railway sector will be in Moscow during these days. This event therefore offers an unique opportunity to meet the top executives of Russian Railways and UIC members from all over the world. Mr. Vadim Morozov, First Vice President of Russian Railways, considers it very important that this conference is being held in Moscow, in close cooperation with the UIC and other railway associations.  

The conference Rail-Tech® Russia 2007, which will be held concurrently with the exhibition, will provide the opportunity to set up business relations between top managers of the industry, as well as to discuss the most relevant industrial questions and to be informed by the leading industry experts. A forum of such a level is being held in Russia for the first time. This event therefore is a must for all Russian- and international railway operators, manufactures, dealers, exporters and importers of railway equipment, investors, representatives of leasing, insurance and finance companies, designers, engineers, architects, freight operators, major producers etc.  

The Rail-Tech® Russia conference programme is being put together by a high quality international advisory committee. The programme promises to become a very international one with a focus on Russia as a strategic link between Europe and Asia and also the further development of the Russian railways infrastructure and the investments in this sector. Over 55 speakers from prominent companies make the programme diverse and innovative. Prominent names from this list are among others: Vladimir Yakunin, President of JSC Russian Railways; Alexandr Misharin, Deputy Minister of Transport; Jay Prakash Batra, CEO Indian Railways and Chairman of UIC; Philippe Mellier, CEO Alstom Transportation; Aad Veenman, CEO Netherlands Railways and Chairman CER; Tadeusz Szozda, Chairman OSJD; Michael Clausecker, General Director UNIFE; Hartmut Mehdorn, CEO Deutsche Bahn and Chairman of UIC (Section Europe); WolfgangToelsner, CEO Bombardier and many more (the complete programme is available on This website also offers extensive information on the exhibition.


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